Thursday, April 22, 2010

15 month appointment

Is it really possible for my baby to be 15 months old!?!?! It is so hard for me to believe that almost 2 years ago I found out I was pregnant with Kiley.

I took Kiley to her 15 month check up yesterday and she is doing just GREAT!! She weights 24 lbs which is 69%, she is 31 inches long which is 76%, her head is still huge measuring at 19 inches which is the 96%...that's almost off the charts :)

Kiley doesn't like to go to the Dr at all, when they called us back I said come on Kiley its our turn and she sat down on the floor and started crying. So I picked her up and carried her to the exam room, she was still crying. The nurse did her weight, height and measured her head all while Kiley was still crying. When the nurse went out of the room Kiley stopped crying, it was like magic :) Then Dr Henderson came in and guess what...she was crying again. Through the whole appointment Kiley cried alligator tears and screamed like we were cutting her leg off. It was horrible and heart breaking and funny all at the same time. I had to start laughing just because Hailey NEVER acted like this at the Dr. I just can't get over how different my girls are! Kiley had to get 2 shots and have her finger stuck to check her iron. Her iron came back a little low so we have to give her iron supplements everyday and they will recheck her at her 18 month appointment. She seems to be growing right on track and her tubes are still looking good but working there way out.

Kiley Maureen you are a very out going full of life little girl. You do so many things that your big sister never did and it surprises me and your Daddy every time! Just last night you were trying to climb up the kitchen chairs, you have grabbed onto the stove and pulled your self up and now climb up the slide all by yourself. Some of your favorite things to do is run from us when we want to change your diaper or put your coat on. You say a few words like dog, ball, dadda, momma, paw paw, and mawmaw. You have started blowing kisses and tell us to SHHHHHH with you finger up to your lips :) I love this new path of mommy hood that you have given me and I thank God everyday for you.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney your comments about her Dr appointment is still making me laugh....I love the pictures you posted...Love that little girl
