Tuesday, September 21, 2010


football season = happy Hansen household :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My baby is 4!!!

Hailey turned 4 years old on September 12! I still have a hard time believing she is 4, I think she should be 2 but she acts like she is 14! We had an awesome Minnie Mouse birthday party with lots of family and friends to join in on all the fun.

Hailey at 4 years old you are...

you are wearing size 4T clothes

you are wearing size 9 or 10 shoe

you are taking dance class, tap and ballet

you are in the red room at school

you are the pickiest eater EVER, still

you talk back and roll your eyes all the time

you love playing with your sister but you will hide toys from her that you don't want her to have

you are now sleeping in a big girl bed

you have the biggest heart ever

you remember EVERYTHING

you bring so much joy to our lives and you make us smile everyday. I think 4's are going to be a challenging year for us. This talking back thing is really taking a toll on me, I know it is just a stage but I'm ready for you to be out of it. I feel like I am getting on you everyday for talking back and it makes me sad. I have been praying for patience a lot lately and praying to be the best mommy to you and your sister.

The last 4 years have gone by so quickly before I know it I will be moving in with you in your dorm at IU, yes I will be going with you :) I love you to behind my back Hailey Lauren!!!!

(I love you to behind my back is something you say a lot and you stretch your arm as far behind your back as you can get them)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Perfect weekend...

The weather here has been AMAZING!!!! It has been in the 70's, sunny and a breeze, I think that sums up PERFECT!!! We have had the windows open and letting in all the freshness. I love having windows open, I like to get the smell out of the house :)

We have been in the house a lot lately because it has been so hot, but also because of Chris' back. His back was so bad it was hard for us to go do things because he couldn't walk, sit, or stand. The only thing that helped was to lay flat on the floor. Chris had surgery on Aug 24 to remove the bulging disc and now he is better then ever!!!! So we wanted to take advantage of having Chris back this weekend also!!

Friday night we went to the Plainfield High School football game. Chris and I haven't been to a game since we were Seniors in high school. It was fun to go back to the old stomping grounds, well kinda, they have a new high school, but it was still fun! The Quakers won the game 17-14 :)

On Saturday we went to Anderson Orchard to pick apples. The girls had never picked apples before but they loved every minute of it! We picked apples, hung from trees, hung upside down from trees, enjoyed cider slushies, elephant ears and fried biscuits with apple butter. When we got home me and the girls made homemade applesauce :) I'm very proud of myself, I'm not much of a cook (I'm not a cook at all) but my applesauce turned out SO yummy!!!!

The girls are napping now and when they get up we are off to the park!

What a perfect weekend!!!! Enjoy the pics from the orchard :)