Sunday, February 27, 2011

Playing in the snow

We had lots of snow and ice the first of February, too much of both if you ask me! I am not a fan of either, I wish I could pick up my little world and move it some place that is always warm BUT since I can't do that I try to make the best of the snow! We took the girls out to play in it on Saturday, man it is a lot of work. I took about 20 minutes just to get all the warm gear on. The second we stepped one foot outside Kiley lost it, crying like if her hand was just chopped off! She keep saying NO SNOW!! I sat on the edge of the deck and she was very content sitting there with me. Chris and Hailey had a blast throwing snow balls, making snow angels and just being outside. Hailey has always loved the snow!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Disney on Ice

I have been horrible with updating this blog ever since I started school, I feel like all I do is work, be a mom and then do homework! I really want to get better at keeping this updated but right now school is more important. Anyhow, back in January my mom and I went to Disney on Ice with the girls it was Toy Story. To say the girls loved it would be an understatement! It was so awesome to watch their faces, they were amazed by it. I bought our tickets back in July and honestly forgot where our seats were until we got there and we were in the 2nd row!!!!!!! I think I was just as excited about our seats as the girls were. Hailey did tell me the next day that she wanted to go again but was only going if we were in the 1st row, yes I have a DIVA on my hands!

This was Kiley's first year to go to Disney on Ice with us and she did awesome, she sat like a champ during the whole thing. I love that my mom and I have started this tradition of taking the girls every year, I hope we do this until they are 20!!!