Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Losing teeth

On Sunday May 20 Hailey lost her first tooth, I know kids lose teeth I just didn't realize that some kids lose them at 5 1/2.

On April 9 Hailey had a dentist appointment and that is when they told us her tooth was just a tiny bit lose. Well that was all Hailey needed to hear before she became obsessed with wiggling her tooth 24/7.

Saturday night we were laying on the floor watching tv and it looked like her tooth could fall out at any moment but when we tried to pull on it it just wasn't ready. I had this feeling that she was going to lose her tooth Monday at school. When she woke up, she might of even been half asleep still she started wiggling again. About 30 minutes later Chris looked at it and took a little tug and in Hailey's words it just popped out!!!

I wasn't sure how Hailey would handle her tooth coming out and the blood but she was a pro. She chewed on a washcloth for a few minutes and then couldn't wait to tell everyone. That night she put her tooth in her tooth pillow for the tooth fairy to come. The tooth fairy left her 3 gold $1 coins, Hailey was on cloud nine :)

I know it is only one tooth that is missing but it makes her look so different!  PLEASE STOP GROWING UP!!!!

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