Well the other day Kiley threw one of her fits because I wouldn't let her go upstairs. I mean I see every reason for her to throw one of these fits, seeing how I didn't want her climbing up the steps and falling down them and busting her head open!!! I mean what kind of mom am I, not letting her do that :) Anyways...so Kiley walked into the kitchen and threw herself backwards, hitting her head on the hardwood floor. When I went over to console her she looked at me with a look like I can't believe you just pushed me over and made me hit my head. She then crawled under her highchair and continued her "fit" You ask what I was doing during her "fit" Well I'm glad you asked...
Kiley Maureen, as much as I love the fits that you throw I would love EVEN more for them to STOP :)
You need to get the photo of her when she is laying flat out,forehead on the floor and crying those huge tears......Gotta love her...