When I was pregnant with Hailey and Chris and I were talking about painting her room Chris said " NO PINK" He said there would be enough pink around that he didn't want a pink room also. Which is really funny now because Kiley's room is 2 shades of pink!!! Anyways...so we decided to paint her room yellow. We wanted to have it a light yellow with dark yellow stripes. Well we didn't have enough of a contrast between the 2 yellows so all of Chris's hard work was kinda for nothing because you couldn't see the strips. I thought the room was cute but I just wasn't in love with it and after we painted Kiley's room and I was in love with her room, I needed Hailey's room to change. So last weekend we said good-bye yellow and hello purple!!
And I can say that I am now in love with Hailey's room :)
The before...

All my pictures from 2006 are no longer on the computer so this is the only picture I could find of a before, you can kinda get the idea.
Now the after...

I love, love, love it!!!!! Chris did such a great job coming up with the design of the diamonds and getting it all painted in 2 days. Now I love both of my girls rooms :)
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