Monday, January 18, 2010

What time is it????

This little cutie is obsessed with the time. Everyday about 1,000 times a day she ask "what time is it" in the cutest little voice ever. I don't know what it is about time or when she picked up the phrase but she is now obsessed!!!! I think it is cute but sometimes annoying when our conversation in the car on the way home from school goes like this...

Hailey: Mommy what time is it?

Me: 5:35

Hailey: What time will it be after that?

Me: 5:36

Hailey: And then what time will it be?

Me: Really Hailey? 5:37

Hailey: And then what time?

Me: So what did you do at school today?

I know that conversation will go on forever, so I quickly change the subject only to get back on the subject of time when we get home!

As I type this her and Chris are having an I love you conversation going like this...

Hailey: I love you thisssssss much

Chris: and I love you thissss much

Hailey: and I love mommy and Ki-Mo and Corona thissss much

Me: and we love you thissss much

Hailey every 2 minutes for the last 15 minutes: I love you Daddy, I love you Mommy

Oh how I hope she stays this sweet all of her life, she is so cute right now I wish I could stop time and keep her at this age. She has been saying the cutest things lately, I don't ever want to forget all the sweet things she says. We love you Hailey but because of the conversation we just had you already know that :)


  1. write these cute little things down or get the video camera out....because you WILL forget some of these things...You won't remember them again until your adorable granddaughter starts saying the same cute things and opens the memory gate and they all flood out along with wonderful happy tears...

  2. Hey Court, What time is it? Ha
