One year ago today Chris and I woke up bright and early and drove to the hospital to welcome our 2nd princess. I will never forget the day, it was raining on our drive there and then shortly after we walked into the hospital it started freezing rain. I cried our whole drive there because I was so scared to have a spinal, but I survived and at 8:29 am Kiley Maureen was born weighing in at 7lbs 10 oz and 19 3/4 inches long.

I will never forget her first cry, the relief I felt after hearing that cry is unforgettable. Chris never left her side, the whole time she was getting measured and weighed he was right there. I got to hold her while they wheeled us back to our room and then she got whisked away from me to be monitored in the nursery for her breathing problems. I didn't get Kiley back until 5:30 that night.

I had already known the joy and love that a child could bring but I didn't understand how you could feel like that for a second child, but it is absolutely amazing at how your love is just there.

I was really nervous at how Hailey would react to having a little sister. When I was pregnant I had moments when I would cry and get upset thinking we would be making Hailey grow up to fast, but her and Kiley had an instant bond. Hailey wanted to help with everything. I love the bond they have and can't wait to see it grow and change as they get older.

Kiley Maureen at 1 year old you are...
*eating EVERYTHING, you are such a good little eater you have been on table food since you were about 8 months.
*you are no longer taking a bottle or formula and you love milk
*you have been walking for about 3 weeks and you are getting very good at it
*you LOVE to play with your big sis, just last night you were chasing her around the living room and both of you were giggling. I love that you play so well together, right now anyways.
*you give kisses with you mouth wide open
*you say dah for dog and bah for ball, you also say uh-oh and huh
*you have 8 teeth and are working on getting your molars in
*you already throw yourself on the ground when you don't get your way
*you have crocodile tears just like myself and Hailey
*you never want to lay still for a diaper change
*you love to splash in the bath
Kiley Maureen you made our family complete, we love you more then words can say. I am so glad we were chose to be your parents, you bring so much joy to our life. You may not remember your first year of life but I think it was amazing.

Happy 1st Birthday, We love you
Mommy, Daddy and Hailey Lauren...Corona too (our dog)