Holy cow we took a HELICOPTER!!!! I know a helicopter!!! Oh how much fun it was. We dropped the girls off at my moms around 9:30 Sunday morning and my mom said "your dad is trying to get you guys on the helicopter, don't tell Nat" Well when Natalie and Josh got to my moms I told Natalie because she has a little fear of flying, so I wanted her to have as much time as she could to prepare for take off!! And she flew like a champ, except for right before we took off when she said " I think I'm gonna puke!" Thank you so much Dad for a great way to get to the track.
I tried to get a picture of some soliders kissing the bricks but instead I got this...
And for anyone who cares Jimmie Johnson won the race again this year! We had a great time I hope to do it again next year! Maybe we won't be able to pull off a helicopter again but hey, a girl can wish can't she!! Thanks again Dad.
And yes I did just do a post that was all about ME AND CHRIS!! No Hailey and Kiley, now I don't really think it is fair to not put pics on here of the girls so here ya go...
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