Monday marked another sad milestone for me, Hailey moved up to the blue room ( 3 year old class) Every year around this time I look forward to the fact that my daycare cost is going to go down a little but I also get very sad because that means my baby girl is growing up. Hailey had 2 of the best teachers I could ever ask for in the green room ( 2's class) and she became very attached to Ms Heather. I know this transition of a new class room and 2 new teachers is going to be hard for Hailey, I just hope it doesn't take very long. Hailey has been crying when I drop her off, they tell me it only last for about 2 minutes but its so hard on me. I never knew when I became a mommy so many things could make me hurt and so many things could make me happy. Walking out on my baby screaming "I want my mommy" is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I keep reminding myself that she is fine and forgets all about me and starts playing with her friends :) Sometimes I think Hailey changing rooms is harder on me then it is on her and just to think I have to do this again in January with Kiley. Its so hard to believe my baby is in the 3's room!

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