My girls and I are so lucky to have such a wonderful Daddy and husband! Chris is such a great Daddy to the girls, I love watching the special and different bonds he has with the two of them. Its so much fun to see Hailey helping Daddy with yard work or cooking pancakes together, which is something they do together almost ever Saturday. I love it when Chris gets Kiley belly laughing and to watch him rock her to sleep. I'm so thankful for all the help he gives me with the girls, I couldn't ask for a better husband or Daddy for my little girls. We Love you Daddy and hope you had a GREAT Father's Day!!!!!!

Saturday evening we met Tom and Michael at a place called Bravo for dinner. I thought we could have a nice visit with the two of them because we don't see them very ofter BUT boy was I wrong. Kiley had different plans, she decided that she wanted to fuss the entire time we were there. Chris and I took turns holding her and walking outside with her to try and calm her down but nothing seemed to work. I feel like we rushed through dinner, hurried Tom into opening his present and skipped dessert which I really wanted just to get little Miss Fussy out of there. I know it was rushed and crazy but I still hope Tom had a great time. Thank you Tom for all the things you do for myself, Chris and the girls! Now if we can just get you to move closer to us!!!!!

Sunday we went to my parents house and did what we do best...had a cookout and hung by the pool!!!! All of my brothers and there kids came so it was complete crazyness but so much fun. Hailey painted my dad an airplane bank the same time she painted my mom's vase and it turned out so cute and of course I forgot to take a pic of it. She was really proud of it, when my dad opened it she said " I made that" I love watching my dad and Hailey together, she is his little shadow and says "PaPaw your my buddy" so cute. I also joke I feel sorry for Kiley because Hailey is wrapped around all my dad's fingers and toes, but I know my Dad and Kiley's bond will be just as special. Dad I hope you had a great father's day surrounded by your kids, grand kids and motorcycles-all the things you love :) Again we can't say thank you enough for all the things that you do for us, we love you.
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