Kiley's big surgery day went GREAT and I didn't cry at all-YAY me!!! We woke up bright and early at 5:30 because we had to be there at 6:30 for a 8:00 am surgery. My poor baby couldn't eat or drink anything after midnight the night before, so at 11:00pm I gave her a bottle, which seemed to satisfy her all morning. In fact Kiley never cried or fussed or anything before the surgery I was so surprised. She spent a lot of time eating her thumb or numb as Hailey calls it and trying to blow raspberries. Raspberries are a new thing for her and she really doesn't know how to do them yet, so pretty much she just sticks her tongue out and makes a noise. It is the funniest thing I have ever seen!
She was such a good girl getting all of her blood pressure and pulse ox done. Getting her weight was the best, they did her weight first when we got taken back. My mom was holding her when they called us back so they had my mom get on the scale holding Kiley then get on the scale not holding Kiley, glad it was mom on the scale and not me!

Dr Gaddy and Dr Ward came to talk with us before they took her back and asked if we had any questions. I really didn't have any questions I was just ready to have the surgery over with! I wanted my happy baby back, no more ear infections. I told Dr Gaddy I was really sure Kiley had an ear infection in the left ear again and just wanted to be sure he would still be able to put the tubes in if it was indeed infected and he said he could still do it with an infection. They rolled Kiley away at 8:00 am and by 8:10 she was done! Dr Gaddy came out to talk with us again, said everything went really well and YES she did have an infection again, poor baby. He gave me some instruction for some ear drops and antibiotic and told us we could see her in a few minutes when she woke up more. At 8:30 we were in her recovery room and my poor baby was all over the place. We tried to give her a bottle and she would take a little then start screaming, give her a paci and she did the same thing. She had no idea what was going on, she wanted to wake up but she couldn't so she just screamed. The nurses said that was very normal, but Hailey didn't act like that at all, Hailey never cried. We got home around 9:45 and Kiley slept until noon. I guess a nap was all she needed because she woke up the happiest baby ever! I'm so happy it is all over with, I just hope Kiley's tubes work as well as Hailey's tubes have worked. Poor little Kiley has had an ear infection since April 12.
Thanks to everyone who thought and prayed for us yesterday I know tubes are a very minor surgery but when my baby is getting put to sleep it is very major to me. I hope tubes are the only surgery we ever go through! Thanks mom for going with me to be my support!!!
Dr Gaddy and Dr Ward came to talk with us before they took her back and asked if we had any questions. I really didn't have any questions I was just ready to have the surgery over with! I wanted my happy baby back, no more ear infections. I told Dr Gaddy I was really sure Kiley had an ear infection in the left ear again and just wanted to be sure he would still be able to put the tubes in if it was indeed infected and he said he could still do it with an infection. They rolled Kiley away at 8:00 am and by 8:10 she was done! Dr Gaddy came out to talk with us again, said everything went really well and YES she did have an infection again, poor baby. He gave me some instruction for some ear drops and antibiotic and told us we could see her in a few minutes when she woke up more. At 8:30 we were in her recovery room and my poor baby was all over the place. We tried to give her a bottle and she would take a little then start screaming, give her a paci and she did the same thing. She had no idea what was going on, she wanted to wake up but she couldn't so she just screamed. The nurses said that was very normal, but Hailey didn't act like that at all, Hailey never cried. We got home around 9:45 and Kiley slept until noon. I guess a nap was all she needed because she woke up the happiest baby ever! I'm so happy it is all over with, I just hope Kiley's tubes work as well as Hailey's tubes have worked. Poor little Kiley has had an ear infection since April 12.
You know theres no place else I would have been and you did great....I knew Kiley would...I was worried about my BIG BABY..Love yor