On Thursday when I picked up the girls from daycare Hailey had a note in her cubby that said she fell on the playground and scraped her face. I went in to the big room at school to get Hailey and she was in the potty, so I was talking to the teacher and then all of a sudden my little angel baby walked up to me and this is what I saw...

OH MY GOOD GRACIOUS!!!!! Those are the exact words that came out of my mouth, I was shocked by what I saw. I was expecting just some minor scrapes on her face based on what the note in her cubby said, I was not expecting burns also. The playground at their school has rubber mats to help protect them when they fall. The mats don't do such a good job when the kids go face first :) Hailey said she was walking fast and lost her balance and fell face first :( To top it all off the girls are having their pictures taken this weekend. I guess we will have forever memories of Hailey's first big ouchie on her face!

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