*wearing a size 2T or 24 month
*wearing a size 6 shoe
*you are obsessed with wearing shoes, you go around saying "shoe on, shoe on"
*you make the silliest face
*when you are aggravated you say "ugh" its funny now but I'm sure it won't be so funny in a few years
*you have been sitting on the potty a lot lately and have even gone #2 on it :)
*you want to do everything yourself...put on your clothes, take off your own diaper, the list goes on and on. Anytime I say let get your coat on you respond with " NO! ME!"
*you are a great eater, you will try anything. if you don't like it you spit it out and say "yuck"
*you are saying lots of words, this just started within the last few months It seems like you went from not saying anything to speaking in sentences!
Things we hear daily are...
Hi Mommy!
Hi Daddy!
Hi Sish!
Gawboo,Gawboo,Gawboo-Gooble,Gooble,Gooble, we heard this all of November, December and she is still singing it :)

I feel like you came into our lives just yesterday but I can't remember my life without you! I hope you have a wonderful 2nd birthday! I love you to the moon and back!

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