I'm so thankful my mom took Hailey, that girl LOVES to go over there. I'm sure getting whatever she wants has nothing to do with her love for St Louis :)
Kiley woke up Saturday feeling much better and I was so happy because it was beautiful out and I didn't want to spend the day inside with a sick baby. We headed over to Tom and Kelli's house and then went to breakfast, the park, DQ and then back to their house to ride bikes and play outside.
It was a great day but I missed Hailey like crazy! The no fighting between the two of them was so nice but I found myself constantly looking for Hailey. I felt like I lost her at the park. I know Kiley loved having one-on-one time with me and Hailey loved having all eyes on her in St Louis.
Things were right back to normal 5 minutes after Hailey got out of the car, fighting once again. Ahhhh the joys of parenthood :) I wouldn't have it any other way!!!