Halloween 2011, was GREAT! Halloween fell on a Monday which worked out well because my mom has the girls on Mondays. When I got off of work I went to my mom's to find Kiley sleeping and Hailey hyper as can be :) Hailey couldn't wait to get out the door to trick or treat, Kiley on the other hand wanted to stay in Mamaw's bed and sleep. I got Hailey ready and really had to work on Kiley, lets just say she woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
After lots of bribing I had both girls ready and we were out the door to trick or treat. We went to a few houses in my mom and dad's neighborhood and then Cory, Kate, Mia and Marley meet up with us. We headed down the hill to another neighborhood and then Tom, Kelli, Cole and Keira met up with us! It was so fun. Hailey could have trick or treated all night long if we would have let her and big shocker Kiley asked to go back to Mamaw's after about an hour of trick or treating!
The girls both got more candy then they will ever need to eat and had tons of fun. The only thing that could have made Halloween better is if it was on a Saturday. Worrying about getting home and settled down before 9:30 is stressful and 9:30 is an hour past bed time! The girls both woke up the next morning in good moods but that could be because I told them they could have candy for breakfast :) Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!!!