Chris built the girls a swing set and they love it so much. Every night Hailey wants to go in the back yard and swing. I think one night I pushed her for 2 hours. On the way home from daycare she will ask me "Can I go on my swing" while we fix dinner "Can I go on my swing" and again after dinner. The girl loves to swing, we are working on the Out-and-In so Chris and I don't have to push her all the time. I hope by the end of the summer she will have it down. Kiley seems to like it too, she likes it so much that it puts her to sleep.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Chris built the girls a swing set and they love it so much. Every night Hailey wants to go in the back yard and swing. I think one night I pushed her for 2 hours. On the way home from daycare she will ask me "Can I go on my swing" while we fix dinner "Can I go on my swing" and again after dinner. The girl loves to swing, we are working on the Out-and-In so Chris and I don't have to push her all the time. I hope by the end of the summer she will have it down. Kiley seems to like it too, she likes it so much that it puts her to sleep.
Fun in the Sun
So maybe some of us had more fun in the sun then others. We hung out at the pool all weekend and Hailey loved it. One day it was just us over there which was great for Hailey to get used to the pool again this year. After a little getting use to it she was jumping in like a pro.
I love summer time, our summer is always full of family and fun! I can't wait for more weekends of hanging out at the pool and being with my family!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Dr's and more Dr's
As I already posted Kiley went to the Dr on Monday for her 4 month check and she had fluid in her ears, the Dr thought she would have an ear infection by the end of the week, well she was right. Kiley went to see the ENT Dr today and she does have another ear infection, poor baby. Again it is only in her left ear, but she has only been off of meds for 1 week and the infection is back. Dr Gaddy (ENT) asked me how I felt about tubes and I said ABSOLUTELY!!!! That was the best thing we ever did for Hailey. Kiley is following Hailey's foot step exactly just a lot younger age, Hailey would have an infection be off of antibx for about a week and get it again. Knock on wood she hasn't had an infection since her tubes, over a year ago!! So little Miss Kiley will get tubes in her ears on June 11 and of course I will be taking pictures of her in the hospital gown. It was really cute on Hailey because she was walking and her little diaper butt just looked adorable. I hate that she has to get tubes but I am also really excited, I don't want her to feel sick and be in pain. I am scared for her to get put to sleep, like I am when anyone gets put to sleep. I know this is something very minor but I will still be asking for prayers on June 11 for Kiley and for me I was a mess when Hailey had her tubes. I cried before, during, and after I'm so emotional! I will continue to keep everyone posted.
I never told you about my tooth, well it is out and I am better then ever!!! I was nervous to get it out but it didn't hurt very bad. The noise of them pulling it out was the worse, my dentist said the tooth was already a little loose so it came out very easily.
I never told you about my tooth, well it is out and I am better then ever!!! I was nervous to get it out but it didn't hurt very bad. The noise of them pulling it out was the worse, my dentist said the tooth was already a little loose so it came out very easily.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Our Chunky Monkey and weekend news
Kiley went to the Dr today for her 4 month check up and what a chunkers she is becoming. As you all know she went to the Dr on the 6 and weighed 13 lbs 5.5 oz today she weighs 13 lbs 13oz. she is 24 1/2 inches long. Dr said everything looks good, she doesn't have an ear infection right now but she does have fluid in her ears, I'm sure she will have an ear infection by the end of the week. I must say that she is also a little of a drama queen, she had to get 3 shots today and she SCREAMED during them. When I would take Hailey to get shots it was no big deal, she would cry for a second and then be done with it, not Kiley. She started screaming when she got the first shot and didn't stop until we got in the car. It was a scream like I have never heard before, it was horrible. I would get her to calm down then out of no where she would start screaming again. I always thought Hailey was my drama queen but I'm rethinking that now :) Tonight Kiley had green beans for the first time and LOVED them, she ate the whole container and didn't spit very many out. The Dr said to do the same food 3 days in a row to make sure she doesn't have an allergy to it. 2 more days of green beans then bananas!!!!
Hailey went with Chris Sunday morning to pick up the pressure washer from my parents house, Chris came back with a pressure washer but no Hailey! Hailey spent all day planting flower and taking trips to Lowe's with my parents and took no nap. We picked her up around 5:30, when we got home we had dinner, gave baths, and relaxed. At 7:30 Hailey asked me if she could have some ice cream, she sat on the couch ate a few bites of ice cream and said "mommy I'm all done, I don't want it" I said are you sure, you don't want your ice cream "no mommy, I'm done" I was in shock, was Hailey really not eating all of her ice cream? She got her bunny, cuddle up on the couch and we didn't hear a peep from her. My poor baby was so worn out from her busy day of planting flowers she didn't even want her ice cream :) She had so much fun with her Mamaw and Papaw, when we got there to pick her up she saw me and said " I don't want to go home"
Other then her planting flowers we had a very low key, stay at home weekend!
And what is a blog without picture of 2 absolutely adorable little girls, right! So here ya go, enjoy!

Hailey went with Chris Sunday morning to pick up the pressure washer from my parents house, Chris came back with a pressure washer but no Hailey! Hailey spent all day planting flower and taking trips to Lowe's with my parents and took no nap. We picked her up around 5:30, when we got home we had dinner, gave baths, and relaxed. At 7:30 Hailey asked me if she could have some ice cream, she sat on the couch ate a few bites of ice cream and said "mommy I'm all done, I don't want it" I said are you sure, you don't want your ice cream "no mommy, I'm done" I was in shock, was Hailey really not eating all of her ice cream? She got her bunny, cuddle up on the couch and we didn't hear a peep from her. My poor baby was so worn out from her busy day of planting flowers she didn't even want her ice cream :) She had so much fun with her Mamaw and Papaw, when we got there to pick her up she saw me and said " I don't want to go home"
Other then her planting flowers we had a very low key, stay at home weekend!
And what is a blog without picture of 2 absolutely adorable little girls, right! So here ya go, enjoy!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A boring life...
Once a week Hailey will spend the night with my parents, which is nice it gives Chris and I "us" time. Before Kiley came along we would use that night to do running around or go out to dinner or just sit on the couch in silence. Tonight as I sit on the couch I realize my life was so boring before Hailey. When I got home from work tonight we made dinner, ate, cleaned up dinner and watched tv, while watching tv I found myself wanting to fall asleep it was 7 o'clock!!! So we went for a walk around the block, which Kiley was not a big fan of and we took turns carrying her. We are back from our walk and again watching tv, we are so boring! Hailey Lauren, thank you for adding some spunk into your mommy and daddy's life. With Hailey around we are never bored. There is always lots going on, baby dolls to be fed and rocked, puzzles to be solved, books to be read, and little girls to take potty! One night a week I will be reminded how boring our life once was, but I enjoy having "us" time. Now the "us" time includes one on one time with Kiley. The boring life of one night a week isn't going to last long before we know it Kiley will be keeping us very busy. I'm sure her taking a bottle and falling asleep for the night, won't last much longer!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Family filled weekend!!!
First I want to tell everyone out there Happy Mother's Day!! I think being a mom is one of the best things ever and I love hearing the word mommy (most of the time) I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend Mother's Day today. Chris and I are so grateful for my mom and all the things she does for us, I wish we had more ways to show you how much we appreciate you mom! Happy Mother's Day mom I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!!!!! Happy Mother's Day to you also Lauren, we know you watch over us daily-we love you!
Back to our weekend, what an exciting one we had. Saturday morning Hailey thought it would be fun to start the day off by doing cartwheels down the stairs. I was sitting in the recliner rocking Kiley so I only heard it, by the way it was the worse noise I have ever heard. Chris caught her half way down, she didn't get hurt but she was very scared. She then went around the rest of the day saying she did cartwheels down the stairs.
After the fall down the stairs Hailey and I went shopping. We went to Kohl's to find a dress for her to wear for pictures this weekend and while we were there Hailey wanted to buy a dress for Cole to wear. I'm sure Uncle Tommy would have loved for us to have bought him one but we left the store with a dress for Hailey and Kiley only. Maybe next time Cole. We then went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. Cory, Kate, Mia, Marley, Tom, Kelli, Cole, and Keira were all there and Hailey had a blast playing with her cousins, but she still wanted to keep things exciting. So she decided she would fall in the pond, feet first thankfully but still she fell in.

Pictures above are before she fell in.
The big kids had a great time playing outstide, enjoy the nice weather and ice cream while the babies stayed inside and got lots of cuddles and love.
Mother's Day was a great day full of family again. Chris and I had everyone come to our house for a BBQ pitch in, all the food was great. We gave my mom all her presents, Hailey was very excited about what she made for Mamaw. Last weekend we went to a place called Pottery By You and you paint your own pottery. They fire it for you and you pick it up a week later. Hailey had so much fun and painted the vase all by herself. I forgot my camera the day we painted the pottery but I took a pic today before we wrapped it up.
Before everyone came over I had photo session at my house * WARNING* lots of photos below. Enjoy the pics from my Wonderful Mother's Day, thanks to everyone for coming over and making it great!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
No good news...
Sunday afternoon we were at my mom's and Kiley was being a real stinker, she didn't want to sleep or take her bottle. Kiley is just like her Momma and LOVES her food, so when she didn't take her bottle I knew something was up. Later on in the day she had a fever of 100.2, me being Dr Mom I was really sure that it was her ears acting up again, but I won't lie the thought of swine did cross my mind for a minute. I called the Dr Monday morning and Chris took her in that afternoon and guess what! Tired of guessing, I'll tell you. I WAS RIGHT!!!!! Another ear infection, this time only in her left her. Kiley's Dr is going to send us to an ENT Dr, the same Dr that did Hailey's tubes. I haven't even got Kiley paid for and I'm already gonna have to pay for maintenance on her. I guess it really does pay to be cute!!!
Over the weekend I had been having terrible mouth pain, I couldn't tell you where the pain was coming from it hurt all over. I did everything to try and get rid of the pain, whiskey ( Chris' idea of course) oral gel, and cry. Nothing seemed to helped. Of course I jumped on the best thing for medical advise GOOGLE and typed in TMJ. I had all the symptoms, great I have TMJ. Boy was I wrong. On Monday my one tooth hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. I would of let anyone pull it out with whatever they wanted I just want it out. Well I did go to the dentist, this tooth has been giving me problems for about a year. The tooth is in the VERY back of my mouth and I keep getting a cavity. The dentist fills it and it falls out about 6 months later, he replaces it and it falls out again and the pattern continues. So he is going to pull it next Tuesday- yikes I'm a little scared! He has to wait until next week because I have got an infection in it so I'm taking 6 antibx pills a day. I'll tell you all about my scary day next week, but until then enjoy of pics of my adorable girls

Over the weekend I had been having terrible mouth pain, I couldn't tell you where the pain was coming from it hurt all over. I did everything to try and get rid of the pain, whiskey ( Chris' idea of course) oral gel, and cry. Nothing seemed to helped. Of course I jumped on the best thing for medical advise GOOGLE and typed in TMJ. I had all the symptoms, great I have TMJ. Boy was I wrong. On Monday my one tooth hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. I would of let anyone pull it out with whatever they wanted I just want it out. Well I did go to the dentist, this tooth has been giving me problems for about a year. The tooth is in the VERY back of my mouth and I keep getting a cavity. The dentist fills it and it falls out about 6 months later, he replaces it and it falls out again and the pattern continues. So he is going to pull it next Tuesday- yikes I'm a little scared! He has to wait until next week because I have got an infection in it so I'm taking 6 antibx pills a day. I'll tell you all about my scary day next week, but until then enjoy of pics of my adorable girls
Friday, May 1, 2009
She didn't cry
Ever since I started back to work Hailey has been crying when I drop her off at daycare and sometimes at my mom's. Do you know how hard it is to leave a screaming child? It breaks my heart to walk out the door and hear " Mommy I need you, I want my mommy" Well this week we had NO tears. Maybe it is because her favorite teacher was there on Wed and Thur and today I bought her a biscuit from McDonalds. Whatever the case may be, this week we had NO TEARS!!!!! Now if we can just keep this going.
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